Ask HN: How to deal with unskilled devs that are older than you?

By k__ - a day ago

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Age has nothing to do with experience or capability. Time on the job usually does indicate some level of skill, but can be misleading.

I have worked with insanely talented devs that introduced more bugs per module than intermediate skilled devs did. At the same time they moved the product forward faster, better and more consistently. So we would support them with some intermediate to senior devs to follow up on their work and to "productize" it. My point being is bugs doesn't always mean incapable, just sometimes people are better at one part of the job than another. Those same devs would never be able to cut it building vital systems or doing maintenance and they shouldn't cause their skills would be misused.

Assuming these people aren't in the misused skills category, the best thing you can do is not to approach it as they are a problem. Instead if person X introduced a new bug say, I'd go to him/her and say can you walk me through your latest fix/code as I am trying to understand your thought process (and how you tested it). Essentially a code review with less formality. The idea is not to be confrontational but to let him/her walk you through it as you ask questions, especially when you get to what you think is the root problem. Doing this either they will get better, you'll learn something or you'll find a way to maybe help the team manage their work product better. At a minimum, after doing this a few times you'll have a solid understanding where the problem is and can help articulate that if needed to those who need to know.

Also, using the above method, you may also find out that they were tasked in a way that was faulty so their assumption was bad. Or they didn't ask enough questions to understand the task for any reason. An easy way to help someone in that situation is to ask detailed questions if they aren't asking them, this way you (or someone on the team) makes sure they have a full understanding.

The asshole way is to say Bob your code sucks and you are introducing a ton of errors making us all look bad, all your code has to be checked by Susy from now on. This may be something that has to be done as part of a performance plan eventually, but it shouldn't be the place anyone starts.

davismwfl - a day ago

That's your manager's job. Work on your own tasks, stop trying to play someone you aren't. Concentrate on improving yourself, and if your manager's don't kick them out, search for a new place to work at.

bufferoverflow - a day ago

Teach them, is the best way for you to learn more and for them to learn more :) Age should not be a concern in someone else's skills.

__warlord__ - a day ago