Ask HN: What are you reading?

By calabin - 2 days ago

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I'm a huge sci-fi geek. I've recently been listening to The Expanse series. I'm on book 3. The narrator of all 3 thus far is fantastic - the subtle voice changes and accent put-ons and various other verbal techniques makes the experience far easier to follow and immerse yourself into. One of the best narrators for any audiobook I've heard.

rjbwork - 2 days ago

Recently finished The Visual Display of Quantitative Information by Edward Tufte and How to Change Your Mind by Michael Pollan. I would have been embarrassed to have been caught reading the latter given the subject matter, despite how influential he's been on how I think about food, but it was a real insightful treat.

Currently reading The Cooking Gene: A Journey Through African American Culinary History in the Old South and Safe Area Goražde, a comic book about the Bosnian War.

Also reading Bertrand Russell's The History of Western Philosophy in between books, but that's a book I'll never really finish.

xanthopan - 15 hours ago

-- Http Definitive Guide

-- NoSQL Distilled

navyad - 5 hours ago

I'm reading a couple books at the moment.

Valley of Genius[1] is a history of silicon valley, but told via excerpts and quotes from influential members of the SV community. It's quite a fascinating book, and I highly recommend it. I'm in my early thirties, so this book really helps to provide context for when people say we're just rebuilding things that have been done before. Learning about what was going on at Xerox with Alan Kay is just incredible.

The other book I'm reading is the Selfish Gene[1], by Richard Dawkins. I've read this book 3-4 times already, so at this point I read it for almost philosophical reasons. It's a wonderful explanation of evolution and micro-biology. I'm sure there are more up-to-date texts, but Dawkins is a superb writer.

[1] Valley of Genius: The Uncensored History of Silicon Valley (As Told by the Hackers, Founders, and Freaks Who Made It Boom)

[2] The Selfish Gene, by Richard Dawkins

sudofail - 2 days ago

I'm normally flipping between a few, due to trying to get better at technical work, management/people work, and personal tinkering.

The Score Takes Care of Itself

Building Evolutionary Architectures

Design It!

Managing Humans

Big Nerd Ranch Kotlin

ryanchants - 19 hours ago

I'm currently making my way through the federalist papers. I'm about 40% done.

hopesthoughts - 21 hours ago

Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson

radicalriddler - 2 days ago

After just finishing my dessert, Jeri Westerson's latest Crispin Guest Mystery, I'm on to more serious matter in The Obstacle is the Way by Ryan Holiday.

jkmcf - 2 days ago

mathematics form and function by Mac Lane (sweeping coverage of all of math at about the undergrad math major level by one of the best mathematicians of the 20th) and the power broker by Caro (no clue really - Robert Moses was the most effective public works new York has ever had, brought down Tammany hall but also quite racist - came highly recommended in an r/NYC thread about him)

mlevental - 2 days ago

Right now I'm reading Pragmatic Thinking and Learning by Andy Hunt and Cryptonomicon.

drakonka - 2 days ago