Ask HN: Fastest way to build a nice looking SaaS front end?

By anonfounder747 - 3 days ago

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If spending a couple hundred bucks to accelerate the process is an option, i'd recommend checking those scaffolding tools:

- (Ruby)

- (PHP)

ndethore - 6 hours ago

I chose quite a few CSS frameworks on there and make an effort to never re-use the same one ever for all of my projects. So every project I create will have a different look.

mattbgates - 2 days ago

I bought a lot of admin themes from Themeforest, but all of them feel bloated. So I build my own using, because my (web) app projects should be mobile first, too.

They provide a VUE.js template, too. Maybe it'll fit your needs.

hilti - 2 days ago

I purchased a template site from themeforest and modified it. But I'm thinking of rebuilding it with vue.js, because the purchased template is too bulky.

billconan - 3 days ago

I usually go for Google's Material Web Components.

max_ - a day ago